Educational Centres (Youth detention centres)

Name of the organization

Educational Centres (Youth detention centres)

Operational context

Local and National

Main contacts

  • Educational centre “Els Til·lers”

Address: Carrer dels Mossos d'Esquadra, 3. 08100, Mollet del Vallès
Phone: 93 570 52 89
Contact person/legal representative: Joan A. Zarcero Calvo

  • Educational centre “L'Alzina”

Address: Carrer de Garraf Masia Mas del Bon Retorn. 08184 Palau-solità i Plegamans
Phone: 93 863 92 52
Contact person/legal representative: Enrique de Caso Alfaro

  • Educational centre “Montilivi”

Address: Carrer de Lluís Antoni Santaló i Sors, 1. 17003 Girona.
Phone: 972 94 14 80
Contact person/legal representative: Albert Nebot Obon

  • Educational centre “Residència Folch i Torres”

Address: Carrer de Joan Maragall, 5-7. 08403 Granollers.
Phone: 93 849 54 00
Contact person/legal representative: Eva Corominola Arrey

  • Educational centre “El Segre”

Address: Rufea, 68. 25192 Lleida
Phone: 973 28 00 41
Contact person/legal representative: Francesc Blasco i Moya

  • Educational centre “Oriol Badia”

Address: Mas Moió, 12 (Masia Can Cúgols). 08736 Guardiola de Font-rubí.
Phone: 93 897 91 19
Contact person/legal representative: Laura Quiroga Bertolin

  • Educational centre “Can Llupià”

Address: Carrer Germans Desvalls, 58-60. 08035 Barcelona
Phone: 93 428 26 21

Contact person
Legal representative



In charge of supervising the passage of the minors by the different intervention programs in a closed environment.

  • Psychosocial competence

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Y outh Detention Centres)
Main actions: Promote the psychosocial competence and resilience of juveniles and youths in juvenile justice educational centres, to provide a model of prosocial adaptation.

  • Basic Habits and Abilities

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Y outh Detention Centres)
Main actions: To promote that minors or young people achieve the maximum degree of autonomy in aspects related to basic habits and domestic skills.

  • Education for health

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Y outh Detention Centres)
Main actions: To involve children and young people in their ITP, motivate and guide them towards a process of change favoring social reintegration, reinforcing the general and specialized intervention of the centre.

  • Tutorial

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To involve children and young people in their ITP, motivate them and guide them towards a process of change favoring social reintegration, reinforcing the general and specialized intervention of the center.

  • Reinforcement in the family environment

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To strengthen the family environment of children and young people with measures of internment through a planned intervention.

  • Culture and leisure

Target groups: inmates’ minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Y outh Detention Centres)
Main actions: To promote education in the free time of children and young people through their participation in culture and leisure activities.

  • Physical education and sport

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To offer to the minors and young interns enrolled in the ESO the training corresponding to the area of physical education. Improve the psychophysical conditions of children and young people

  • Education for diversity

Target groups: inmates’ minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To promote the attention and intervention of a personal and educational character to the children and young people, to facilitate the interactions among groups and the integration of these in the social environment.

  • Drug use and addiction

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To attend and intervene in a specialized manner the problem of drug addiction or other addictive behavior in minors and young people interned in schools.

  • Mental health issues

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To attend and intervene in a specialized way the mental health problems of the children or interned youths.

  • Sexual offenses

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To intervene in a global and specialized way with minors or young people who have committed crimes against sexual freedom (sexual assault and / or sexual abuse) to avoid, on the one hand, recidivism (new victims) and, on the other hand, Teen aggressors become adult aggressors.

  • Violent crimes

Target groups: inmate minors
Place/Facilities: Educational centres (Youth Detention Centres)
Main actions: To intervene in a global and specialized way with minors and young people who have committed crimes of violence against persons, on the one hand, to prevent recidivism (new victims) and, on the other hand, for minors or young offenders to become adults Aggressors.