Iasi Penitentiary in partnership with E-Team Psychology Association and Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences from ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, organized the first edition of the National Conference of Penitentiary Psychology (May, 18 - 20).
The aim of the conference was to bring together experts from mental health field to share psychotherapeutic techniques, methods, practices, strategies in order to raise the quality of interventions in justice system’s institutions.
The Conference was the ideal occasion for Dr. Ovidiu Gavrilovici from Psiterra Association to disseminate the research of the PROVA Project with psychologists from penitentiaries, psychologists from other public order and national security structures, as well as other categories of specialists, students of psychology faculties, social assistance and law. It was such an excellent context to share the activities implemented in Iasi Penitentiary and narrative approach practices as Tree of Life used in trainings with professionals and workshops with detainees .
The conference was also highly supported by the local radio and television stations and newspapers such as iasitvlife.ro, radioiasi.ro, telem.ro, and ziarelive.ro .