ACTIONS: Area dedicated to the Actions requested by the project.

PREPARATION is the first action of PROVA Project and the precondition of the overall project.

The Preparation is aimed, on the one hand, to increase the understanding of violent radicalization and activated responses in Europe and, on the other hand, to involve stakeholders and social actors in building systems of preventive and contrasting interventions.

Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci, thanks to its great experience in juvenile justice system, has been chosen as Lead Partner of this action.

The PROVA partnership will carry out four main activities:
– the collecting and analyzing of data;
– the creation of a territorial map of the professionals working in juvenile justice system and the stakeholders involved in cultural, social and integration politics;
– the realization of focus groups with the previous mapped social actors;
– and the sharing of existing goods practices.

The TRAINING action of PROVA project seeks to increase and consolidate the knowledge and the skills of professionals directly involved in this action and reintegration of minors and young adults charged with legal proceedings, in order to prevent and contrast the risk of violent radicalization. On the other hand, their aims are to intervene in the urban policies and, more concretely, in the organisation of urban areas that are at risk, by means of a participatory process of transformation of these spaces.

Psiterra will have the role of coordinator and will support the partnership to implement the specific activities of the Training action.

The Training of PROVA project has two main activities:
– training about prevention of violent radicalization issue;
– participatory meetings to discuss the risks of forms of radicalization on the specific territory and forms of possible preventive interventions, starting with a new way to use urban spaces for fostering youth aggregation.

The activities might involve professionals of the juvenile justice system, health, social and education professionals, volunteers, ombudsmen of protecting minors and prisoners’ rights, and etc.

The WORKSHOP of PROVA Project attempts to prevent and contain violent radicalisation through the transformation of detention and urban spaces at risk.

The University of Barcelona will have the role of coordinator and will support the partnership to implement the specific activities of this action.

Workshops will develop two principal activities:
– introduces educational and participatory workshops for minors/young adults that are charged with criminal proceedings, aimed at re-imagining/re-thinking spaces in the town, including the inner spaces of juvenile detention institutions;
– supervision sessions of workshops carried out with minors.

In the countries where Partners have collaborated with universities (e.g., Italy, Spain, and Romania), students from Education, Psychology and Social Work Schools will actively participate in workshops and in the tutoring and supervision activity.

EVALUATION will take in charge both the measuring of the impact of the implemented activities and the bottom-up process of evaluation (participatory evaluation) engaging target groups and external experts.

LabCom will coordinate the PROVA partnership during the participatory evaluation processes implemented by quantitative and qualitative methods. The partnership will also organize a panel of experts in their country. At the same time, all the Partners will promote participatory activities for evaluating emerging best practices.


International meeting with all the partners. An area dedicated to the programs, presentations and media related to the meetings.