Name of the organization
Centro per la Giustizia Minorile per la Toscana e l'Umbria Centre (Centre of juvenile justice for Tuscany and Umbria)
Operational context
Main contacts
Address: Via Bolognese, 86 - 50139 Firenze (FI)
Phone: +39 055 480180
Contact person
Legal representative
Giuseppe Centomani
Depends on the Department for juvenile Justice and Community sentences, it is competent for the Tuscany and Umbria Regions and is an administrative decentralization body of the Ministry of Justice. It carries out technical and economic programming, control and verification functions for the Justice Services that are under its competence (USSM, IPM, CPA, and Communities), liaison with Local authorities, public bodies, universities and third sector organizations.
- I minori in area penale: la rete territoriale e il processo di reinserimento (Minors in the Juvenile penal system: the territorial network and the re-inclusion process)
Target groups: professionals, policy makers, authorities, academia
Place/Facilities: Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze
Main actions: Seminar which starts from the results of the European project OUTinOUT to present the new Erasmus+ project PROVA. This seminar is a link between the work done with the territorial network involved in the reintegration path of minors under criminal proceeding and the specific interventions for minors at risk of radicalization and violent conflicts
Additional information: Official website