Ruido Photo

Name of the organization

Ruido Photo

Operational context

Local and National

Main contacts

Address: Calle Montseny, 43 - Barcelona
Phone:+34 93 4636776

Contact person
Legal representative

Pau Coll


More than 10 years highlighting social problems and denouncing violations of human rights using tools like photos and videos, exhibitions, books, participatory photography and workshops. They do their own projects, but are also commissioned by media, NGOs, institutions and individuals. They don't care about the photos, but about the stories.



  • Adentro (Inside)

Target groups: Inmate young people in Juvenile Penitentiary Centre
Place/Facilities: Juvenile Penitentiary Centre
Main actions: The action consist in a documentary made by 5 prisoners during a year inside the Juvenile Penitentiary Centre of Catalonia. They also did workshops with young people to prepare the subsequent recording.