Name of the organization
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Operational context
Main contacts
Contact person
Legal representative
Leader: Kurt Beck
FES is the oldest political foundation in Germany. It orients its work on the fundamental values of social democracy: freedom, justice and solidarity. As a non-profit institution, it acts independently and wants to promote pluralistic social dialogue on the political challenges of the present.
The central task of FES is political education and counseling. The foundation provides basic knowledge about politics and provides access to current debates. As an international think tank, it offers impulses for a policy of social democracy - not just in Germany, but worldwide. The foundation has been established as a partner of German foreign and development policy for decades. The ability to bring together key personnel is a special strength of our international work.
- Political education: Information, orientation and qualification offers.
- Policy advice: Strategies on central issues of economic, social and educational policy as well as on fundamental questions of the development of democracy.
- International cooperation: International offices in more than 100 countries.
- Gifted education: Support of students and graduate students from low-income families and those with an immigration background
- The collective memory of social democracy: archive, library, time-historical projects