Multicultural toy library
Main organization
L’Altro Diritto
Sponsor/Funds programme
- Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
- Provincia di Firenze
Minors within juvenile prison in Florence
The multicultural ludoteca was born from a reflection on how to create moments of socialization among minors to overcome intercultural conflicts which often born due to the different nationality of the boys. For this reason, in a juvenile prison, it's difficult that relationships based on trust, respect and friendship arise, so thinking of an activity that could create this climate, the idea of the multicultural ludoteca was born. Beware of the pluralism of life forms and cultural expressions, we moved in the direction of a pedagogy articulated around the principles of equality and emancipation, nonviolence and difference. The initial idea was to provide the minors with a stimulating place and a family environment built to the extent of the children where they could carry out educational, recreational, artistic, manual and artistic-expressive activities. We have also planned to propose proper educational activities, aiming to qualify the environment as a place of learning. Currently, we are setting up a small multiethnic library that we hope can be managed by the same guys to provide them with both Italian and foreign language books (Arabic, Albanian, Romanian, Chinese, Polish, etc.).
Operational context
Juvenile Prison in Florence IPM Meucci
Main activities
The Ludoteca (toy library) is a real lab that focuses on self-perception, respect for others, trust and self-esteem. The workshop, which is held on Monday afternoon, is addressed to about eight boys. At first, knowledge games have been proposed that aim to create greater cohesion within the group for socializing, comparing, and creating a group.
The cineforum is an open lab, addressed to all minors detained in which a series of movies are viewed and discussed in order to stimulate a critical vision on specific social issues
The computer lab was handled by computer experts who worked together with minors on editing and printing programs in word and excel.
Free activities Moment on Wednesday afternoon in order to meet them, to make us know and understand them better.
All the labs and activities are set as times to experience group life, where the rules originate from a collaboration based on peaceful resolution of conflicts and cooperation and the boys participating in the project are always welcomed with the idea that anyone Is a bearer of thought, experience, and ideas that can enrich others.