Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons (R2pris) 2015-1-PT01-KA204-013062
Main organization
Universidade Beira Interior (Portugal)
- National Administration of Penitentiaries
- Qualify Just - IT Solutions and Consulting Lda (Portugal)
- Romanian Centre for Penitentiary Studies (Romania)
- Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Tenel Mudurlugu (Turkey)
- Stichting Foundation ICPA Office in Europe (The Netherlands)
- Le Service Public Federal Justice (Belgium)
- Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service (Norway)
- European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (The Netherlands ).
Sponsor/Funds programme
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnership in the field of adult education
Frontline staff
Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons (R2pris) Project seeks to reduce radicalization and extremism inside prisons by enhancing the competences of frontline staff (correctional officers, educational staff and psychologists, social workers) to identify report and interpret signals of radicalisation and respond appropriately.
Operational context
Territorial area, penitentiaries, community
Main activities
- develop the tools and instruments for prison administration and line-level staff to recognize signs of radicalisation at an early stage within their specific facility
- provide common, consistent and effective instruments to help staff report their observations to the appropriate intelligence staff
- provide model procedures for intelligence staff to vet the data they receive from prison staff and to appropriately interpret it
- establish a series of training programs and tools for all staff within a prison to respond appropriately to potential vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation.
01.09.2015 – 31.08.2018
- an innovative methodological framework for analysing deradicalisation and prevention of radicalisation strategies within prison
- radicalisation screening tool, with respective assessment materials and guidelines for prison administration and line-level staff to recognize signs of radicalisation at an early stage within their specific facility. The tool will be adapted to the specific legal and cultural context of the countries involved in the project
- a training course for all staff within a prison on how to detect and respond appropriately to potential vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation
- an e-learning training course
- a train the trainer course
- three short-term transnational staff trainings involving 18 participants each (1 team from each country)
- five national seminars with at least 15 national stakeholders/experts and 15 international participants each
- a handbook and online repository of best practices on radicalisation prevention in prisons, than can be used by trainers
- an international seminar, with the participation of at least 30 transnational experts/stakeholders and 15 national participants
Budget: 32.832,00 €